2015 Abstract Oil Painting WWW, Wicked Witch of the West by LawrenceWells.com Site Admin|Published November 18, 2015 WWW (Wicked Witch of the West)oil on canvas120 x 100 cm2015 WWW (Wicked Witch of the West) oil on canvas 120 x 100 cm 2015 Lawrence Wells
Published January 15, 2015 Candle studies Candle studies acrylic on paper 50 x 65 cm 2015 Lawrence Wells
Published August 28, 2015 The King The King, study acrylic on brown paper 120 x 100 cm 2015 Lawrence Wells
Published October 1, 2017 Three Vessels Three Vessels (Women) acrylic on paper 120 x 100 cm 2017 details